?> Benefits of drinking less alcohol

Is Drinking Alcohol in Moderation Good for Health?

drink less alcohol

Benefits of drinking alcohol in moderation is believed to have a low health risks for many people. The other good news is that medical research now indicates that a glass of wine with your dinner can help reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. Red wine, which is rich in flavonoids, is particularly recommended.

This requires discipline, though. Just because one glass is beneficial, it doesn’t mean that two or three is even better for you. Immoderate drinking undoes any health benefits, and alcohol is always calorific. One glass of wine (150ml [5fl oz] max) provides the optimum benefit.

Apart from red wine, keep your consumption of alcohol to a minimum. I realise that this can be difficult, since drinking is so often a part of social occasions and celebrations. An occasional lapse won’t do a lot of harm. But there are various strategies for getting around the social pressure to drink.

For Safer Alcohol Consumption, Eat While Drinking

Whatever strategy you choose, always try to eat some food with your drink, even if its a piece of cheese. The fat will slow down the absorption of the alcohol and minimise its impact. (Of course, better to gravitate to the vegetable tray, but an emergency canape won’t be the ruin of you.)

You can graciously accept that glass of wine or cocktail, raise it in a toast, take a sip, and leave it discreetly on the nearest buffet table. Faced with a tray of vodka martinis and glasses of red wine, stick with the wine, which lasts longer. And if you add lots of ice to your drink, you can reduce the alcohol even further while still joining in the party spirit.

Drink Alcohol only In Moderation

Alcohol consumption yields only ’empty calories’ because it provides no essential vitamins or minerals to the body. Although alcohol can be consumed while on the diet, it must be consumed only in moderation. The term moderation does not mean three glasses of wine a night and a whole bottle on Saturday night. Moderation means one glass per night. If you reduce the amount you drink you will be better off in terms of fat loss.

There is some suggestion when consumed in moderation, some alcohol such as red wine may be helpful in reducing cardiovascular disease. So don’t feel guilty about your diet for drinking a glass of wine with dinner.

All other processes of the body, are put on hold while alcohol is broken down and released. This breakdown of alcohol happens at a slow rate as only a certain amount can be broken down at any one time. This is why when you drink too much it takes a long time to ‘sober up’. Alcohol is absorbed into the blood and rushed to the liver.

Roughly 80 per cent of alcohol, or ethanol, is converted to a substance called acetate and sent to muscle cells where it can be burnt as fuel. This process takes the place of fat oxidation and hence less fat is burnt for energy. While alcohol is being metabolised the release of fat into the bloodstream is inhibited. Fats are not released from their fat cells, and hence the fat-burning process is reduced.

Benefits of Drinking less Alcohol

What is Moderate Alcohol Consumption?

The NHS recommends that you drink not more than 14 units alcohol in a week. This amounts is about 6 medium (175ml) glasses of wine or 6 pints of beer with 4% alcohol.

  • Females Up to 1 drink per day or not more than three drinks on any given day, and not greater than 7 drinks in a week
  • Males
    Two drinks maximum each day, but no greater than 4 drinks in one day, and not greater than 14 drinks in a week.

These guidelines are for people who are legally drinking age. Numerous studies reveal significant dangers for those who are younger than 18 when they consume alcohol. So, no amount of alcohol is advised for children under 18 years old.

Recommendations for safe drinking are generally lower for females due to their smaller body size, lower muscles mass; and less amounts of alcohol dehydrogenase that is an enzyme responsible for breaking down alcohol. Patients with medical conditions or who take certain medications must stay clear of alcohol. As there is there is no way to guarantee that any level of alcohol can be considered safe.

Benefits of Moderate Alcohol use

Studies suggest that wine offers the best protection against heart disease likely due to the naturally occurring components called flavonoids. Other studies show that all alcohol drinks offer cardiovascular protection advantages. What is the role of type of drink in other ailments is not clear however, the majority of evidence suggests it isn’t.

People who aren’t drinking shouldn’t begin drinking alcohol with the sole reason of health benefits. If you do decide to drink must do it in moderate amounts. Consult your physician to learn about your individual potential risks and benefits associated with drinking alcohol.

The Risks and Benefits of Moderate Alcohol Consumption

Potential Benefits:

  • Certain studies have shown moderate drinkers have lower mortality rates as compared to heavy drinkers.
  • Researchers have found that the risk of developing diabetes is lower when people drink moderate amounts of alcohol.
  • A number of studies have demonstrated a less risk of developing dementia or a slower decline in cognitive function in the course of time when there is mild to moderate consumption of alcohol.
  • Moderate consumption of alcohol can lower the chance of developing gallstones.
  • The evidence suggests that mild moderate or moderate consumption of alcohol can reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease and mortality due to cardiovascular disease.

Potential Risks:

  • Drinking alcohol has been linked with increased risk of various types of cancer, such as stomach, breast, as well as neck and head cancers.
  • The consumption of alcohol can raise the risk of getting liver disease.
  • Alcohol consumption that is heavy increases the risk of developing acute and chronic pancreatitis.
  • Consumption of alcohol is linked to the risk of having gout flares for those suffering from gout.
  • The consumption of alcohol increases the risk of morbidity as well as mortality due to trauma. Driving abilities is impaired when blood alcohol levels at as lower at 0.02 percent. The legal limit for driving is 0.08 percent.

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