?> 16 Fitness Goals that will Help You Live Healthier - Get Healthy

16 Fitness Goals that will Help You Live Healthier

Before you declare any health-fitness goals, you should be aware of the following guidelines:

  1. Establish a background of information on which to base your goals. Without this background you may very well plan unrealistic goals that are virtually impossible to reach.
  2. Consider for example, the area of weight loss. Many individuals attempting to lose weight lack a basic understanding of the importance of a sound diet, caloric balance, and the role of physical activity in weight reduction programs. Nor do they understand that it is impossible to lose body fat as fast as is claimed by the promoters of some diets. Because of this lack of understanding, they set unrealistic goals and fail to experience a permanent reduction in body fat.
  3. In addition, as a result of their poorly thought out programs, they often experience physical and/or emotional problems. That are worse than the problems created by the excessive weight. Another example is in the area of exercise. Without a background in the appropriate prescription of exercise, many individuals attempt to perform physical feats for which their bodies are not properly prepared. Their efforts only result in soreness or injuries, and an unwillingness to ever again take up exercise.
  4. If you attempt to formulate a component of your health program without the proper background knowledge, you may do yourself more harm than good. Furthermore, poorly conceived goals can lead to attempts to short cut your program, which in turn will lead to failure. Do not formulate your health goals until you have the necessary background. Wait until you have completed this book before attempting to state your goals.
  5. Set your goals low. While its very possible for goals to be unrealistically high, its impossible for any goal to be too small. Avoid the belief that any goal is too small to fulfil. Not only can the attainment of any goal, large or small, be the spark which provides the inner motivation to continue your program. It can also help lead to the development of a positive self-image.
  6. As you only can control the present, begin with the present in the formulation of your goals. Don’t be too concerned about long-term goals and certainly don’t plan for drastic, immediate changes in your lifestyle.
  7. It is very important that you have initial success with your health goals. So begin with small or moderate goals that can be reached within a short period of time. You may wish to limit your goals to a day-by-day basis as you undertake your program. Don’t be too ambitious and don’t make your list of goals so long that you can’t possibly fulfil all of them.
  8. At the end of the day, or whatever short period of time you have allotted for the achievement of your goals, you may wish to rearrange your list of priorities. Keep a record of the goals you reach; strike from the list the goals you fulfil. The purpose of beginning with small goals, and proceeding in this step-by-step manner is to develop the confidence you need to succeed with your program. Enabling you eventually to seek higher and more difficult goals. Goals to develop all components of health should be planned with the same insight and patience.
  9. Attempts to develop muscular strength and endurance too fast will result in soreness and/or injury. Attempts to develop circular respiratory fitness too fast will not only cause unwanted fatigue, but also can result in injury. Don’t set goals which lead you to attempt to perform at a level or intensity which will create more problems than benefits. Remember, the achievement of one goal will open doors to other goals. Also, short-range goals provide a means for self-evaluation. Constant awareness and rating of your success will provide good motivation for you.
  10. A word of caution should be given at this point. It is very probable that as you fulfil some of your goals, you will expect to see improvement in some area of health. Don’t expect immediate noticeable improvement. For example, if you embark on a sensible weight loss program, but choose to weigh yourself every day, you will probably get discouraged. It is unlikely that you’ll be able to observe daily changes in your weight. Instead, you should accept and focus on the fact that a realistic reduction in caloric intake, combined with a moderate exercise program, will lead to a gradual reduction in body fat.
  11. Similar disappointment can result if you want to progress too fast in the development of circulo respiratory fitness. Failure to see a marked decrease in the time it takes to complete a specified distance of walking, running, bicycling, swimming, etc., can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction. You should expect to see improvement in your health if you make a commitment to a health program, but only after a reasonable period of time. And you will be more faithful to the program if you progress slowly.
  12. In planning your health goals, be very specific. The more specific and detailed your goals, the more clearly you will be able to visualize them. You will work harder for a goal that you can visualize and recognize when you reach it, than you will work for a generalized goal. Working to reach a specific goal is more productive than simply attempting to “do the best you can? You should visualize in words and pictures how you will fulfil each goal. Furthermore, you should visualize them in the first person. Many individuals are unsuccessful with a health program because they do not practice within what they want without. Try to imagine the mental, physical, and emotional satisfaction that you will experience upon successfully reaching each of your goals.
  13. In addition to detailed, mental visualization of succeeding in your goals, imagine how to avoid failure. Think about possible situations which might stop you from attaining your goals and how you will not allow this to happen. Mentally practice functioning productively in diverse settings. Anticipating and planning how to cope with possible obstacles will help you avoid being caught off guard. Yielding to various pressures and failing to fulfil your goals. If you follow and remain faithful to a specific plan to reach your goals, you can develop staying power and a positive attitude about your program. You can develop confidence in yourself and your program. Stating your health goals in the first person will increase your efforts and potential for success.
  14. Set only one goal at a time for each area of your health program. Don’t also provide yourself with an alternative. It is not good practice to tell yourself that you want to reach one goal but you’ll try for something else if you fail. You may not get beyond the if you are already writing failure into your goal. If you find that your goal is too high to reach, lower it, but be firm about where you are aiming. Don’t hedge.
  15. When working toward your goals, do it with enthusiasm, a positive attitude, and a pleasant outlook. Believe in the value and worthiness of your health program. You must work toward your goals with intensity, vigour, and sincerity. If your goal is to avoid certain high caloric foods, avoid them with positive enthusiasm.
  16. If your goal is to perform certain exercises, perform them with enthusiasm and a pleasant state of mind. Once you have lighted a fire of enthusiasm within yourself, only you can put it out. Add more enthusiasm to the fire, keep it burning. Any fire will die without fuel. Be a self-starter; don’t depend upon anything or anyone other than yourself to keep your program going. Make your health goals an important part of your life. You can succeed.

health and fitness goals

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