?> Obesity and Overweight - Get Healthy

What are the Contributing Factors to Obesity?

There are main contributing factors to obesity but generally caused by eating too much and lack of physical activity, genetics and taking certain medications can also play a role. Obesity results when the consumption of food exceeds the body’s need for energy. To say that obesity is caused by overeating and inactivity, however, is an…

Maintaining a Good Healthy lifestyle?

Maintaining a good healthy lifestyle is essentials, by eating healthy, exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding alcohol and tobacco. Nutrition plays a major role in order to control obesity in individuals. Intake of a healthy diet is very important to reduce obesity, preventing, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, and osteoporosis. It needs to be remembered that nutrition…

Health Effects of Obesity and Overweight

The risks and dangers of obesity and overweight offer an unhappy substitute for a healthy lifestyle. And not only does obesity influence the quality of life, it affects the length of your life. According to one estimate, eliminating all deaths from cancer would add two years to the average lifespan. But removing all deaths related…