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Health Effects of Obesity and Overweight

The risks and dangers of obesity and overweight offer an unhappy substitute for a healthy lifestyle. And not only does obesity influence the quality of life, it affects the length of your life. According to one estimate, eliminating all deaths from cancer would add two years to the average lifespan. But removing all deaths related…


advantages of vitamins

Vitamins are the organic chemical compounds necessary to enable the body to utilize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Like enzymes, they help produce the right chemical reactions at the right time. The body can’t synthesize vitamins. When a particular vitamin is lacking in your diet, the chemical reaction that’s concerned with, can’t take place even if…

Why Exercise Intensity is Important?

intensity exercise for fat

Some fat-stripping activities have the potential to off-load significant amounts of fat from the body’s fat stores. The most important part of physical activity is firstly to do it at the correct fat-stripping intensity. Secondly to give yourself some time to assess your progress. There are plenty of theories about the best way to exercise…