?> , Author at Get Healthy

Nine Positive ways to Manage Stress

How to Relieve Stress and Anxiety? The most highly recommended technique was: analyse the stress producing situations and decide what aspects are worth worrying about and which ones are not. An attempt should be made to forget the “unimportant” problems. In other words, react only after thinking things through. The second most popular technique was:…

What are the Contributing Factors to Obesity?

There are main contributing factors to obesity but generally caused by eating too much and lack of physical activity, genetics and taking certain medications can also play a role. Obesity results when the consumption of food exceeds the body’s need for energy. To say that obesity is caused by overeating and inactivity, however, is an…

Exercise for Depression: Does it Really Help?

Regular exercise may help ease depression by releasing endorphins, natural cannabis-like brain chemicals and other natural brain chemicals that can enhance your sense of well-being. Most authorities believe there are biochemical changes in the brain and other nerve tissues of the body when physical activity takes place. These biochemical changes help move the individual out…

Is Drinking Alcohol in Moderation Good for Health?

drink less alcohol

Benefits of drinking alcohol in moderation is believed to have a low health risks for many people. The other good news is that medical research now indicates that a glass of wine with your dinner can help reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. Red wine, which is rich in flavonoids, is particularly recommended….